BIA Admission Process
All admission to BIA is through a lottery, facilitated by Lotterease. All students wishing to be considered for the 2025-2026 academic year must apply to that lottery after January 27, 2025. (Please note the lottery does NOT roll over from previous years.). The lottery for 2025-2026 will be pulled on March 6, 2025. All students entered in the lottery after March 5th will be added to the admissions waitlist until this year’s lottery closes in late 2025.
The BIA admissions lottery is facilitated by Lotterease. When you see the Lotterease Seal on a school website, you can be confident that your application will be included in the school lottery in a fair and transparent way. That is because Lotterease is an independent automated lottery system that the school uses to manage their lottery and waitlist. Since Lotterease is an independent system, the school staff do not have the ability to manipulate or adjust the lottery outcome. They must work within the requirements of the system. To register for the admissions lottery, please create an account and enter your students in the lottery at Lotterease.
If you have questions or require assistance with the 2025-2026 admissions lottery, Ms. Swift, our registrar, is offering in-person help sessions. Please schedule an appointment by clicking here.
2025 – 2026 School Year Admission Process
To enter your child(ren) in the lottery, please create an account at Lotterease. Choose the correct grade level lottery in which to enter your child(ren). Children of faculty/staff and Board members, as well as siblings of students currently enrolled at BIA, have preference.
For additional information or help with creating a Lotterease account, please reach out to Carmen Swift, cswift@biaschool.org, or 770-538-1550.
The 24-25 lottery will be held at BIA on March 7th, 2024, at 4:00 pm in a public forum. You do not need to be present as lottery results will be available to all through Lotterease. Lottery results and waitlists will also be posted on BIA website within a week after the lottery.
- Upon conclusion and verification of the lottery results, parents/guardians will be notified of their child(ren)’s admission OR their order on the waitlist.
- Parents/guardians must confirm acceptance of their child(ren)’s admission within 48 hours and complete the admission process through Enrollease within 5 business days or their spot will be forfeited to the next person on the waitlist.
- Parents who are present during the lottery may pick up a registration packet at that time. Registration packets are also available by clicking the file at the bottom of this page or can be picked up at the front desk.
- Documents may be delivered in one of the following ways:
- Hand delivery or mail:
BIA Charter School
Attn: Student Information Specialist
186 Hunter Street
Norcross, GA 30071 - Scan and email: registration@biaschool.org
- Fax:
Attn: Student Information Specialist
- Hand delivery or mail:
Once the lottery has run and an opening becomes available in a grade level, the first applicant on the waitlist will be contacted via e-mail. The parent/guardian will be given 48 hours (2 days) to confirm, or the next applicant on the waitlist will be contacted.
- Names will be added to the waitlist in the order they are received. The waitlist is active until the next lottery is held.
- The registration packet is available on through Enrollease. Individuals notified of their acceptance from the waitlist have 5 business days from the date of notification to submit their FULLY COMPLETED packet and required documents, or they will forfeit their spot. For any applicant who is accepted after July 1, the registration packet is due within 3 business days from the date of notification.
2025 – 2026 School Year Reenrollment Process
Need Assistance?
For additional information or help with creating a Lotterease account, please reach out to Carmen Swift, cswift@biaschool.org, or 770-538-1550.
For Families without an email address, please click HERE.

Saturday, October 26
Sunday, February 2