Carpool Hours & Information
School hours are 7:45am – 3:00pm.
Students may arrive at school as early as 7:15am and must be collected no later than 3:30pm.
(After 3:30 p.m., parents will incur a fee of $0.50/minute fee.)
Early checkout ends at 2:00pm.
Students may arrive and be welcomed into the building from 7:15am – 7:45am. If arriving after 7:45am, an adult is to walk student(s) in and check your student(s) in at the kiosk in the lobby.
Wakers and Car Riders
All students arriving as walkers should be escorted by an adult to the front entrance. (Walkers are defined as students that live within 1 mile of the school and are walking to the school property. Walkers are not transported in ANY type of motorized vehicle.)
All car riders should be dropped off through the published carpool route at the front entrance. Please do NOT park in the large lot in front of the church and drop off or walk your children into the school.
Parents needing to park during morning arrival should park in the lot directly in front of the school. Please refrain from using the employee parking lot adjacent to the cafeteria side of the building or the bus and van area drop off area. Please be respectful of the church parking areas — not parking or stopping the spaces next to the church office or in front of Faith Hall.
Bus and Van Riders
Bus and van riders will be dropped off at the designated bus and van drop off location, met by BIA staff, and enter through the cafeteria. (Individual car riders should NOT utilize the bus and van drop off.)
Student dismissal begins at 3:00pm. Students are dismissed in the following order:
1. Right at School – Dismissed to the Right at School staff.
2. Buses and Vans – Dismissed to the cafeteria, where BIA staff will monitor loading in the adjacent bus and van area.
3. Walkers – Dismissed through the front entrance to a waiting adult at 3pm.
4. Car Riders – Dismissed through the published carpool route.
Click the link to view BIA’s carpool route and review the BIA Transportation Policy, as found in the BIA Parent-Student Handbook (linked below). Please always enter the property from Autry St. and exit onto Hunter St.
Morning carpool runs from 7:15am – 7:45am and is supervised by BIA staff. Please follow the published BIA carpool route – enter from Autry St. and exit onto Hunter St. Please do NOT enter the carpool line from Hunter St. Once carpool is over, the front doors are closed. If arriving after 7:45am, an adult is to walk student(s) in and check your student(s) in at the kiosk in the lobby.
Afternoon carpool runs from 3:00pm – until the last continuous car exits the line — approximately 3:30pm. Please follow the published BIA carpool route – enter from Autry St. and exit onto Hunter St. Please do NOT enter the carpool ine from Hunter St. Follow the car line first around the “horseshoe,” then fill in the lines established in the larger parking lot. Please do NOT skip lines. Once you enter the BIA property please announce ALL students utilizing the PikMyKid app. BIA staff will be present to enter students into the queue and direct traffic flow. PLEASE, PLEASE make sure all drivers are familiar with the carpool route and procedures.
Late Pick-Ups
Carpool ends when the last continuous car exits the line — approximately 3:30pm. If arriving after 3:30pm and carpool has ended, please park and check your student out at the kiosk in the lobby. After 3:30 p.m., parents will incur a fee of $0.50/minute. We do not have supervision for children beyond 3:45 PM.
We highly encourage parents and guardians to enroll their children in our affiliate after-school program, Right at School. Once enrolled, your child can “Drop In” anytime you are running late for a $25 fee. You can let us know to send your child to after-school by contacting the teacher if it’s before 2:00, or contacting the front office if after 2:00. More information can be found on our website under Family Resources.
PikMyKid App
BIA uses the PikMyKid platform to facilitate a safe and efficient dismissal process. Creating an account and utlizing the app is quick and easy!
All adults picking up a child, whether parent/guardian, grandparent, neighbor, babysitter, or friend, must utilize the PikmyKid app when picking up students in the afternoon car pool line. On the occasion that your child is riding home with a friend, grandparent, neighbor etc., use the delegate feature within the app.
If you have issues with the app, reach out to PikMyKid at or call at 813-648-8028.
Transportation Changes
All changes to your student’s normal mode of pickup need to be made by 2:00 pm by notifying the front office by phone only. Please do not text your child or email/Class Dojo your child’s teacher with this information. Students are not allowed to be on their phones during the day, and teachers are not checking for carpool changes during instructional time. The front office will notify the teacher of any change in transportation.
Early Check-Outs
Early check-outs end at 2:00pm. If arriving after 2:00,pm please pick your child up via carpool.
Private Transportation Options For more information about stops, click on BIA’s Transportation Rainbow.
For more information about stops, click on BIA’s Transportation Rainbow.
Royal Ride Cynthia Rhodes (678) 923-4384