BIA Charter School Title I Stakeholder Input Survey
As the parent/guardian of a child attending a Title I school, you are an important part of the Title I team.  Your input is vital in the planning and implementation of the parent and family engagement program and activities in our school.  The focus of all Title I programs are to ensure that all children have an opportunity to obtain a high quality education and to achieve proficiency on high academic standards.​ ​

Thank you for taking a few minutes out of your day to provide us with valuable information. The following survey is confidential and will be used to assist us with future planning of spending federal funds and for parent and family engagement activities and events at our school.

BIA Charter School Office of Federal Programs Switch account
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Choose the grade level(s) of your student(s). Choose all that apply. *
Have you attended a meeting at BIA where the goals and activities of the Title I program were discussed with parents? *
Our school system received Title I funds for the purpose of engaging parents and family members in their child's education.  How would you like to see the Family Engagement funds used at BIA?  Please select the most important to you. *
If you answered "other" above, please provide a more detailed suggestion below.
How can teachers and school staff build partnerships with parents and families to improve student achievement in our school?  Please check all that apply. *
If you answered "other" above, please provide a more detailed suggestion below.
I prefer to receive information from my child’s school in the following ways: (Select all that apply) *
If you answered "other" above, please provide a more detailed suggestion below.
How do prefer to communicate about your student's education? *
If you answered "other" above, please provide a more detailed suggestion below.
I am encouraged by my child’s school to play a role in the school improvement planning process. *
I feel that my child’s school provides me with opportunities to share feedback and ideas regarding the school’s parent and family engagement program and activities. *
 My child's school creates a welcoming environment for parents. *
Communication from the school is provided, translated, or interpreted in a language I can understand. *
The school makes it easy for parents to participate at BIA. *
The school offers meetings in a variety of formats. *
Communication from the school is provided, translated, or interpreted in a language I can understand. *
The school schedules parent meetings at a convenient time. *
What is the best time for the school to conduct parent meetings? *
If you answered "other" above, please provide a more detailed suggestion below.
Which of the following would enable you to increase your participation in parent meetings and school activities? (Select all that apply) *
If you answered "other" above, please provide a more detailed suggestion below.
What type of informational programs would you like the school to provide for parents? (Select all that apply) *
If you answered "other" above, please provide a more detailed suggestion below.
Which transition service would you like the school to offer to support families?  Check all that apply. *
If you answered "other" above, please provide a more detailed suggestion below.
What changes and/or improvements do you think need to be made to the School-Family Compact?
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